martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017


1.Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence. Circle the preposition.

1) My grandparents enjoyed boating on the beautiful lake.
2) Spiders do not usually build webs in a busy area.
3) Dancing on a public stage can be a frightening experience!
4) The high-definition television fell onto the dirty street.
5) My soccer team played well during the championship tournament.
6) Sandwiched between the canned goods and the milk, the bread was smashed.
7) The summer shone brightly in the afternoon.
8) My favorite restaurant is next to the enormous shoe store.

2.Complete the sentence with the correct preposition from the choices given.

1. We are very excited ______ our trip to Spain next week. (AT, WITH, ABOUT, OVER)
2. I am very fond ______ drinking green tea. (FOR, OF, ABOUT, AT)
3. Almost all politicians were involved ______ the scandal. (IN, AT, WITH, FROM)
4. I am looking forward ______ having a meeting with you next week. (WITH, AT, TO, FROM)
5. At the moment, she is recovering ______ her injuries. (AT, OF, FROM, WITH)
6. I’m dreaming ______ becoming a famous scientist one day (FOR, WITH, ABOUT, INTO)
7. My cousin is married ______ a famous American (WITH, FOR, TO, FROM)
8. I am responsible ______ training the new recruits. (AT, ABOUT, WITH, FOR)
9. Many people took advantage ______ the low prices offered by the new shop (OF,
10.I was not quite satisfied ______ the exam results. (AT, FOR, WITH, ABOUT)

3.Read each sentence. Determine which one of your answer choices is being used as a preposition. Circle your response.

1.     Ramirez forgot his badge at home.

a)    his    b)    home
c)    forgot    d)    at

2.     The chief sent Ramirez to the crime scene.

a)    to    b)    sent
c)    the    d)    scene

3.     It's a good thing that Lex was with Gomez when they found the shooter.

a)    that    b)    with
c)    they    d)    a

4.     Lex has been a cop for twenty years.
a)    a    b)    been
c)    has    d)    for

5.     Lex knew that the bad guys were in their hideout.

a)    the    b)    in
c)    hideout    d)    that

6.     The chief was very tired of Ramirez's bad conduct.

a)    of    b)    very
c)    was    d)    bad

4.ocate the prepositions in the sentence and circle or underline them.  Each sentence contains at least two prepositions.

Some Common Prepositions: about, above, across, against, along, among, around, as, at, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, down, during, for, from, in, inside, into, near, of, off, on, onto, outside, over, past, since, than, through, to, toward, under, until, up, upon, with, within, and without.

1.  We cut through the fence and snuck into the secret government base.

2.  We were looking for the documents that were hidden in a safe.

3.  There was a guard with a dart gun hiding behind a door.

4.  We tried sneaking by him, but I tripped over a mop.

5.  The guard grabbed my friend by the neck, but I snuck around him and karate chopped him.

6.  He fell on the ground and we crept into the elevator.

7.  The red lights above us were flashing and we could hear footsteps coming toward us. 

8.  We were near the safe when a bunch of guards ran from the break room.

9.  We hid under a cardboard box and they ran by us.

10.  We crept along the wall, snuck inside the room, and broke into the safe.

5.Read each sentence. Identify the complete prepositional phrase. Circle your response.    

1.     Franken-Truck jumped over a burning pile of cars.

a)    over    b)    over cars
c)    over a pile of cars    d)    over a burning pile of cars

2.     Lugnut landed hard on the dirt track and made a big dust cloud.

a)    on the dirt    b)    on the dirt track
c)    hard on the dirt track    d)    on the dirt track and made

3.     King Crush was tied with Lugnut as they crossed the finish line. 

a)    tied with    b)    the finish line
c)    with Lugnut    d)    crossed the finish line

4.     King Crush's truck had a gold crown on the roof and it shinned as he drove.

a)    on the roof    b)    as he drove
c)    and it shinned    d)    on the roof and it shinned

5.     Distrucktor raced around the corner as he tried to catch King Crush.
a)    as he tried    b)    around the corner
c)    raced around the corner    d)    around the corner as he tried

6.     Truckavore grabbed a small car with its claw and ate it.

a)    ate it    b)    and ate it
c)    with its claw    d)    with its claw and ate it


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